Satoshis sidste e-mails: 'Gør det til Open-Source-projektet,' Economist forudsiger et 'katastrofisk' fald i amerikansk levestandard, FRC Aktier styrtdykker, og mere — Uge i gennemgang

Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americansstandard of living, and important developments at the struggling First Republic Bank. All

Økonom Peter Schiff forudser, at inflationen 'ved at blive meget værre' - US Dollar står over for 'Et af sine værste år nogensinde'

Economist Peter Schiff has predicted that the U.S. dollar will haveone of its worst years ever” i 2023, warning that the inflation problem isabout to get much worse.He also shared his prediction about the worst-performing sectors of the

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om, at den amerikanske dollar vil styrte - siger "Vi går til standard"

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. dollar will crash. Noting that the U.S. er “in a much bigger fiscal mess than Great Britain,” with a much bigger debt problem, Schiff stressed: “Can we possibly repay this debt? Selvfølgelig…

Mens aktierne stiger, Analytikere diskuterer Bitcoins afkobling, Guldmarkederne forbliver "under pres"

OS. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on